martes, 24 de abril de 2007

Welcome o the sticky membrane blog!!!!!

Hey whats up there, welcome to this amazing sticky blog that is a leraning jouney to learn about the important cell membrane, that is the felxible protection or cover of the principal block of life, the cell.

The cell membrane is a very thin plasma cover that proects the cell. The plasma membran can be considered as a guardian becuase, it protects the cell and allows different substances go in or go out of the cell, if the carbohydrates recognize it. It performs 3 main functions:

-To isolate the cell content from the external environment.

-To communicate with other cells.

-To regulate te exchange of substances between the cells content and the outside.


If the plasma membrane was stiff and not flexible it owuld break up and die. The felxibility that it has is very important because this flexibility allows an easier movement for the cell. There are different proeins that are related with the cell membrane: transport protein, receptor protein, recognition protein. All this proteins are very important for the good work of teh cell membrane.

The osmosis, is avery important topic and process that consist of the diffusion of water across the membrane, its a process that plays an important rle in the live of cells.
As a conclusion we can say that the cell membrane, is the important cover of the cell, that help in the movement of the cell, in the communication, in the nutrition and in the prtection of it. Thanks for visiting this blog and i hope you had learn something important and useful.
here is a link to observe a video about the cell membrane

Welcome o the sticky membrane blog!!!!!

Hey whats up there, welcome to this amazing sticky blog that is a leraning jouney to learn about the important cell membrane, that is the felxible protection or cover of the principal block of life, the cell.

The cell membrane is a very thin plasma cover that proects the cell. The plasma membran can be considered as a guardian becuase, it protects the cell and allows different substances go in or go out of the cell, if the carbohydrates recognize it. It performs 3 main functions:

-To isolate the cell content from the external environment.

-To communicate with other cells.

-To regulate te exchange of substances between the cells content and the outside.


If the plasma membrane was stiff and not flexible it owuld break up and die. The felxibility that it has is very important because this flexibility allows an easier movement for the cell. There are different proeins that are related with the cell membrane: transport protein, receptor protein, recognition protein. All this proteins are very important for the good work of teh cell membrane.

The osmosis, is avery important topic and process that consist of the diffusion of water across the membrane, its a process that plays an important rle in the live of cells.
As a conclusion we can say that the cell membrane, is the important cover of the cell, that help in the movement of the cell, in the communication, in the nutrition and in the prtection of it. Thanks for visiting this blog and i hope you had learn something important and useful.
here is a link to observe a video about the cell membrane

Welcome o the sticky membrane blog!!!!!

Hey whats up there, welcome to this amazing sticky blog that is a leraning jouney to learn about the important cell membrane, that is the felxible protection or cover of the principal block of life, the cell.

The cell membrane is a very thin plasma cover that proects the cell. The plasma membran can be considered as a guardian becuase, it protects the cell and allows different substances go in or go out of the cell, if the carbohydrates recognize it. It performs 3 main functions:

-To isolate the cell content from the external environment.

-To communicate with other cells.

-To regulate te exchange of substances between the cells content and the outside.


If the plasma membrane was stiff and not flexible it owuld break up and die. The felxibility that it has is very important because this flexibility allows an easier movement for the cell. There are different proeins that are related with the cell membrane: transport protein, receptor protein, recognition protein. All this proteins are very important for the good work of teh cell membrane.

The osmosis, is avery important topic and process that consist of the diffusion of water across the membrane, its a process that plays an important rle in the live of cells.
As a conclusion we can say that the cell membrane, is the important cover of the cell, that help in the movement of the cell, in the communication, in the nutrition and in the prtection of it. Thanks for visiting this blog and i hope you had learn something important and useful.
here is a link to observe a video about the cell membrane

Welcome o the sticky membrane blog!!!!!

Hey whats up there, welcome to this amazing sticky blog that is a leraning jouney to learn about the important cell membrane, that is the felxible protection or cover of the principal block of life, the cell.

The cell membrane is a very thin plasma cover that proects the cell. The plasma membran can be considered as a guardian becuase, it protects the cell and allows different substances go in or go out of the cell, if the carbohydrates recognize it. It performs 3 main functions:

-To isolate the cell content from the external environment.

-To communicate with other cells.

-To regulate te exchange of substances between the cells content and the outside.


If the plasma membrane was stiff and not flexible it owuld break up and die. The felxibility that it has is very important because this flexibility allows an easier movement for the cell. There are different proeins that are related with the cell membrane: transport protein, receptor protein, recognition protein. All this proteins are very important for the good work of teh cell membrane.

The osmosis, is avery important topic and process that consist of the diffusion of water across the membrane, its a process that plays an important rle in the live of cells.
As a conclusion we can say that the cell membrane, is the important cover of the cell, that help in the movement of the cell, in the communication, in the nutrition and in the prtection of it. Thanks for visiting this blog and i hope you had learn something important and useful.
here is a link to observe a video about the cell membrane